What We Can Do for you if you’re an:
Asset / Portfolio Manager we can provide valuations for single or multiple assets. The appraisals may be used for establishing contract/option rents/prices or for financial reporting. We can also assist with acquisition/disposition recommendations and decisions.
Attorney we will provide valuations and litigation support for:
Assessment Appeal
Bankruptcy and/or Reorganization
Eminent Domain / Condemnation
Estate Planning
Expert Witness
Construction Defect
Trust Administration
Accountant we can assist with appraisals and counseling for:
Estate Planning
Succession Planning
Trust Administration
Investor we can provide appraisals for financial reporting. Additionally, if a partner or owner of partial interest passes away, we can assist with appraisals for the estate. We can also provide appraisals for collateral evaluations. However, if it is for a Federally Related Transaction (from a bank or other insured institution) the appraisal must be engaged by the lender.
Or if you’re a:
Property Owner we can prepare valuations for the estate of a loved one who has passed. Additionally, we can provide counseling services on how to best distribute assets if there are multiple heirs or beneficiaries. If you find the assessed value of your property is too high, we can provide an appraisal and/or representation before the assessor or assessment appeals board.
Public Agency we can provide appraisals for acquisitions in public improvement projects whether they be full or partial acquisitions. We can also assist in determining values for acquisitions for the public benefit or dispositions of surplus properties.